Updated (April 3, 2023)
Home About Us Contact Ancestry Project Connelly Book Leedy Chronicles Leedys in History Leedy Roots Leedy Reunion Reunion Invitation


The Officers and Trustees of the Leedy Reunion Association, Inc. extend our hands in friendship to all members of the Leedy family. The Leedy Reunion Association is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to honoring our family history, creating awareness of the appreciation of the history of the Richland/Knox County, Ohio, area, and strengthening the Leedy family.

The national Leedy Reunions in Leedy Park, Ankenytown, Ohio, represent a series of uninterrupted reunions by those descended from our immigrant ancestor who brought his family to this new land from Switzerland in 1744 seeking religious freedom and a new life. We are the beneficiaries of generations of men and women who have gone before us. Their hard work, love and support of their own families, and service to our country in time of war and peace make it possible for us to continue meeting together as a national organization. Their interest in preserving our history resulted in a published volume, "The Leedy Family History" in 1985. The Centennial Reunion was celebrated in 1995 and is remembered in the Centennial Souvenir Cookbook.

Please join us in celebration of this rich heritage through annual meetings and publications!

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